Dallas Electric Rates for Business

When shopping for an electric provider for your Dallas business, it gets a little more complicated than it does for your residence. Retail electric providers are required by law to publish their electricity rates for residential contracts, but not for businesses. Consequently, most retail electric providers maintain that every business is different, and therefore they prefer to tailor custom quotes for business contracts rather than publish flat rates.

This may be useful for the electric providers, but for small business owners trying to determine their Dallas electric rates, it can be a nightmare. Since the state legislature deregulated the energy industry in 2002, the number of electric providers competing for your business in Dallas has skyrocketed, and to call or contact each and every one of them for a business rate quote would be extremely time consuming.

Fortunately, Shop Texas Electricity has an easy solution. On our website, you can fill out one simple form for your business, and they will use it to solicit quotes from all of the top providers, and then submit them to you, in one document for you to browse at your convenience. What could be simpler?

Apart from the process of getting the quotes, shopping for Dallas electric rates for your business is much the same as for your residence. You will get a choice of fixed or variable rates, month to month, short, medium or long term contracts, sign-on bonuses and customer loyalty rebates, et cetera. You can also choose to purchase your energy from renewable resources, such as wind, solar, biomass and the like.

Check Out the Fine Print

As with residential contracts, you should do your due diligence; read the fine print, check for additional charges, note the cancellation fee and check out what kind of complaints have been filed against the company.

One option gaining popularity with a number of businesses in Dallas is the prepaid electricity plan. Requiring no deposit, no contract and no cancellation fee, prepaid plans allow businesses to pay their electric bill up front, so they have a fixed cost, and no cancellation fee should they need to close down suddenly.

Dallas residents and businesses enjoy some of the lowest energy rates in the state. Ensure that your business has a fighting chance of success by locking in a low electricity rate from one of the many electric providers competing for your business.

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